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Note Doll
Note Loft
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whole with an empty heart
01/23: redid the coding for crackship and finished my replies. starters will be worked on today!

sweet serial killer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ullamcorper interdum odio in venenatis. Morbi in lorem vel urna sodales tincidunt. Duis ante nisi, cursus nec hendrerit sit amet, mattis eget sapien. Vivamus auctor felis vitae sem mollis vel placerat mi tincidunt. Vestibulum sed accumsan sem. Nam quis justo sed mi accumsan mattis. Suspendisse in sem sem. Proin libero massa, aliquet vitae consequat ut, eleifend sed massa. Sed congue lacus quis sem consectetur sollicitudin. Integer pellentesque aliquam purus id blandit. In libero diam, pharetra in convallis ac, consectetur vitae quam. In nisi dolor, vulputate et pellentesque ac, luctus sed velit. Nunc nec elit sed urna blandit convallis. Duis volutpat, orci eu mattis cursus, turpis ante commodo diam, ut facilisis est felis eget mauris. Nam enim ligula, congue in varius quis, rhoncus ac lorem. Phasellus faucibus nibh sit amet mauris ornare consequat. Curabitur a libero odio. Morbi eros urna, tempor non blandit quis, iaculis egestas diam. Integer nisi purus, aliquam ac luctus non, posuere eu metus. Praesent elementum sollicitudin consectetur. Maecenas et nisi turpis. Cras eget nunc mauris. Aliquam mattis eros vel lacus vestibulum at auctor felis pretium. Fusce adipiscing orci sit amet ligula eleifend commodo. Aliquam lacinia lorem eget massa ullamcorper vulputate eget dignissim nibh. Vestibulum imperdiet mattis vestibulum. Aenean vel ultrices ligula. Ut tincidunt euismod libero, ultrices dictum tortor venenatis a. Vivamus nibh dui, auctor quis gravida non, malesuada sit amet mauris. Quisque ut est dolor, sagittis auctor sem. In vel mauris non eros laoreet lacinia a a odio. Quisque fermentum dui eu libero pellentesque malesuada. Pellentesque placerat justo quis libero egestas lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam ultrices dapibus scelerisque. Praesent vitae malesuada urna. In urna neque, eleifend non pretium ut, sollicitudin sit amet orci. Proin quis dolor tellus. Duis et augue risus. Fusce ligula orci, venenatis sit amet fringilla sit amet, auctor eget felis. Pellentesque feugiat, sem quis tempor hendrerit, erat est volutpat justo, non posuere sem felis quis turpis. Ut id porta erat. Praesent rutrum dui vitae turpis accumsan at fringilla ligula dictum.
♔ ree @ atf & shine
laughter lines
breanne duchannes
nineteen ▲ actress ▲ maia mitchell
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ullamcorper interdum odio in venenatis. Morbi in lorem vel urna sodales tincidunt. Duis ante nisi, cursus nec hendrerit sit amet, mattis eget sapien. Vivamus auctor felis vitae sem mollis vel placerat mi tincidunt. Vestibulum sed accumsan sem. Nam quis justo sed mi accumsan mattis. Suspendisse in sem sem. Proin libero massa, aliquet vitae consequat ut, eleifend sed massa. Sed congue lacus quis sem consectetur sollicitudin. Integer pellentesque aliquam purus id blandit. In libero diam, pharetra in convallis ac, consectetur vitae quam. In nisi dolor, vulputate et pellentesque ac, luctus sed velit. Nunc nec elit sed urna blandit convallis. Duis volutpat, orci eu mattis cursus, turpis ante commodo diam, ut facilisis est felis eget mauris. Nam enim ligula, congue in varius quis, rhoncus ac lorem. Phasellus faucibus nibh sit amet mauris ornare consequat. Curabitur a libero odio. Morbi eros urna, tempor non blandit quis, iaculis egestas diam. Integer nisi purus, aliquam ac luctus non, posuere eu metus. Praesent elementum sollicitudin consectetur. Maecenas et nisi turpis. Cras eget nunc mauris. Aliquam mattis eros vel lacus vestibulum at auctor felis pretium. Fusce adipiscing orci sit amet ligula eleifend commodo. Aliquam lacinia lorem eget massa ullamcorper vulputate eget dignissim nibh. Vestibulum imperdiet mattis vestibulum. Aenean vel ultrices ligula. Ut tincidunt euismod libero, ultrices dictum tortor venenatis a. Vivamus nibh dui, auctor quis gravida non, malesuada sit amet mauris. Quisque ut est dolor, sagittis auctor sem. In vel mauris non eros laoreet lacinia a a odio. Quisque fermentum dui eu libero pellentesque malesuada. Pellentesque placerat justo quis libero egestas lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam ultrices dapibus scelerisque. Praesent vitae malesuada urna. In urna neque, eleifend non pretium ut, sollicitudin sit amet orci. Proin quis dolor tellus. Duis et augue risus. Fusce ligula orci, venenatis sit amet fringilla sit amet, auctor eyoung felis. Pellentesque feugiat, sem quis tempor hendrerit, erat est volutpat justo, non posuere sem felis quis turpis. Ut id porta erat. Praesent rutrum dui vitae turpis accumsan at fringilla ligula dictum.
First Last
text message here!
First Last
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud***rcitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud***rcitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud***rcitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.

when you first arrive, you're nervous. you wonder if you made the right decision, if you should have gone back to what you left behind. you miss your family. ironically, you don't remember your mother's actions, or even consider what brought you here in the first place. as bright as everything is here though, it's not the world you're used to and you flinch at every pretty flower you pass. but the flowers, they smell divine and the peace hanging in the air tastes good when you stick out your tongue. you tip your head back and laugh, falling backwards into a meadow as the lights whiz around you, giggling. though there is no sense of time here, you quickly forget about what you leave behind. there is no 'real' or 'dream' world anymore. there is only this world. the best world. and as cliched as it sounds, the world is your oyster, and you are the pearl ruling over it. you are beauty and light and perfection personified. the world is your's, and your's alone.

and you can have anything you want. you conjure up friends, children to play with you, and caretakers, adults to brush your hair and love you. wishes as frequently as thoughts in your mind, and each one is granted just as quickly as they come.

but the mornings are always chilly. the only thing that sprouts as quickly as your desires is the dew on the leaves. and on you. sometimes you find yourself dripping, delicate waterdrops that smell faintly of lemongrass and bubbles, though you're dry, you know you are. the water blurs your vision but your eyes can't cry, and the world scares you as it turns dark. but then the lights appear again, just before darkness consumes all, and you're back with your friends and your flowers. it is only then that you wonder why there is morning if there is never night.

it's been fifteen years, nine months, and twenty-two days. she hasn't moved an inch in all that time. he visits everyday, sadness clear in his face but smiles crinkling his eyes as he sits down by her bed. the hospital staff all know him, though he doesn't say a word to them beyond the usual niceties. they whisper about him, the poor father who tries so hard. they say lots of things about him.

they say he had a beautiful family once. they say his wife was even prettier than his little daughter. they say she smiled a lot. they say he had a son, too. they say she stopped smiling when he died. they say she went crazy. they know what happened after that. they know she's in an institution now, somewhere in the big city because ramsgate doesn't have the resources. they know what she did. they know why the jane girl has grown up ***cted to tubes and how lucky she is not to be ridden with bed sores. they know his story.

he comes in with mud on his boots, his eyes weary. he stays a couple hours in the evening, leaving before staff have to usher him out. he works all day in construction-- it's why he's so tan. he never misses payment days, and he rents a small flat downtown. such a poor, caring man, they tut. they did wish she would wake up.

and one day she does. the miraculous bestowal of the storm wakes her with a gasp. her eyes are bright in the dim room and she feels a strength she thought was lost. but she hates it. the power of her physical body is nothing like the power she had in her world. though she mustn't complain; the strength is rapidly draining from her body.

the storm comes like a blessing wrapped in a dark shroud of destruction. it nearly blows the seaside town away. water is thrown over everything, turning the town into nothing but flotsam and jetsam. he runs to the hospital through the storm, bursting into her room. his worries are quelled by the sight of her alert eyes, a shade of blue he hadn't seen in years. he's speechless.

"daddy," she says, holding out her arms. he goes to her with tears in his eyes, and he dies in her embrace.

she's horrified even as the light returns to her vision and the strength to her body. he drops like a weighty ghost onto her, and she cries as she kisses his cheek. a child in a woman's body, she does the only thing she knows: run. it doesn't occur to her she can see until the darkness hits her eyes outside the building, once again. hello old friend.

GOOFY, 25-35, m

ace’s handler (though more or less unofficial) in london. a general guardian-type to her, brother, father, shrink, best friend, etc etc. got all the bases covered in one lanky package. as the name states, he’s a goofy, laid-back, mellowed out sorta guy. also a billionaire. closely associated with ace’s company, is the biggest shareholder and owns at least half of it. usually uses his position to get girls and party-mates, loves the whole obi-wan thing of mentoring and shaping young minds and all that crap. is a youngish, rather well off, average sorta handsome kinda fellow, but a real class act--like an 80 year old man/hugh hefner type at heart (but minus the playboy bunnies, girls are never his biggest concern). robe-wearin, slipper-and-ascot-donnin, dry-scotch-sippin kinda charmer that you somehow can’t help but love. ace’s best friend and confidante. mature (sorta), in an over-exaggerated, strange way that makes you question where in his head does all his ideas come from-- to the extent that it’s just /goofy/. need inspiration? think seth cohen!

PETE, 22-28, f/m?


MINNIE, 00-00, m

william jagnow pls

PLUTO, 18-21, f/m

(amelia zadro,) ace’s cousin/sibling, and the only one in the know about 'gracie berry'. sweet but fiercly loyal, PLUTO’s often the one to hold her up during dos wild nites homie. a regular ray of sunshine, s/he’s ace’s anchor and conscience. following in her steps, PLUTO has been pursuing the big screen since about after ace dropped out of it. talented, s/he has lots of potential but is often thwarted by insecurity. despite PLUTO’s young age, s/he is actually rather sensible and reasonable, yet often falls prey to PETE’s tricks. since their meeting, PLUTO has attached him/herself at the hip to MINNIE. s/he looks up to him and thinks he’s swell!

DAISY, 19-25, f

after years of being groomed to take on the big screen like her mother (and with a lot of string pulling by her director father), DAISY finally breaks, leaving to make it on her own. as fragile as the flower she's named after, DAISY gifted with a sweet set of pipes (which are only sounding better after that weird storm a few years back) she decided to instead dominate the music scene. after a couple bumpy patches and a lot of empty shelf space in her fridge, she finally got a break at HOM. she does regular gigs there and trust me, her voice is something to be heard. honest to a fault and slightly overbearing, it seems that the only person who can keep up with her constant stream of ***r is DONALD (?)-- the pair seemed to be hand crafted by the gods for each other. two puzzle pieces finally finding their match. while they aren't a "couple" by definition, you're bound to find them hanging off each other whatever chance they get. oh, young love.

DONALD, 20-27, m

friends since their first production together as teens (dorky coming of age film), he always got supporting roles to ace’s leads. often wound up, a couple beers’ll loosen him right up, and a few too many will make it the best night of your life. high-maintenance, but preferring to call it ‘quirk’, DONALD and ace sometimes rub each other the wrong way, but their rivalry hardly flecks their impressive track record-- the pair make a great team. for whatever reason you decide, he lives with his uncle, a stingy, bitter cynic who shows little sympathy, much less affection, for his nephew. extremely driven (mainly by his annoyance at his uncle and his stubborn need to prove himself to him), he’s also very talented, with a particular niche for the piano, though he doesn’t often let it show. hopelessly in love with DAISY and most of the time can be found helping her rehearse musical parts she never auditions for at the club. PLEASE use wynston shannon please! pls ok here's his adorable face on tumblr acquaint urself with him, fall in love with him, etc!

© cassie at shine & atf
aerin sinclair
twenty six. model. freja beha erichson.

aerin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei tota fierent consequuntur nam, falli ignota labitur cum cu. Amet omittam te vel, veri facilisis eum at. Noster convenire scribentur ad vim, mea te bonorum facilisi. An decore repudiare vel, in omnis altera reprimique sed. Saepe facilis atomorum id vim, solet ridens accumsan vel ei. Quo cu odio summo theophrastus, ius at noluisse epicurei. Eu purto quidam posidonium ius. An solum vocibus nec. Omnes noluisse vulputate id nec, nam ex idque pericula ullamcorper, vis id nobis interesset. Verterem euripidis vituperatoribus est at. Qui eu audire blandit forensibus, vis eros indoctum ocurreret at. Case rationibus interesset no per, ei aeterno maiorum per.

friends Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei tota fierent consequuntur nam, falli ignota labitur cum cu. Amet omittam te vel, veri facilisis eum at. Noster convenire scribentur ad vim, mea te bonorum facilisi. An decore repudiare vel, in omnis altera reprimique sed. Saepe facilis atomorum id vim, solet ridens accumsan vel ei. Quo cu odio summo theophrastus, ius at noluisse epicurei. Eu purto quidam posidonium ius. An solum vocibus nec. Omnes noluisse vulputate id nec, nam ex idque pericula ullamcorper, vis id nobis interesset. Verterem euripidis vituperatoribus est at. Qui eu audire blandit forensibus, vis eros indoctum ocurreret at. Case rationibus interesset no per, ei aeterno maiorum per.

enemies Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei tota fierent consequuntur nam, falli ignota labitur cum cu. Amet omittam te vel, veri facilisis eum at. Noster convenire scribentur ad vim, mea te bonorum facilisi. An decore repudiare vel, in omnis altera reprimique sed. Saepe facilis atomorum id vim, solet ridens accumsan vel ei. Quo cu odio summo theophrastus, ius at noluisse epicurei. Eu purto quidam posidonium ius. An solum vocibus nec. Omnes noluisse vulputate id nec, nam ex idque pericula ullamcorper, vis id nobis interesset. Verterem euripidis vituperatoribus est at. Qui eu audire blandit forensibus, vis eros indoctum ocurreret at. Case rationibus interesset no per, ei aeterno maiorum per.

lovers Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei tota fierent consequuntur nam, falli ignota labitur cum cu. Amet omittam te vel, veri facilisis eum at. Noster convenire scribentur ad vim, mea te bonorum facilisi. An decore repudiare vel, in omnis altera reprimique sed. Saepe facilis atomorum id vim, solet ridens accumsan vel ei. Quo cu odio summo theophrastus, ius at noluisse epicurei. Eu purto quidam posidonium ius. An solum vocibus nec. Omnes noluisse vulputate id nec, nam ex idque pericula ullamcorper, vis id nobis interesset. Verterem euripidis vituperatoribus est at. Qui eu audire blandit forensibus, vis eros indoctum ocurreret at. Case rationibus interesset no per, ei aeterno maiorum per.

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✿ meet molly!!!!

✿ 10/10 you know molly.

✿ 20/10 you want her fab closet.

✿ anyway.  turn on your tv, flip to channel 3 and there she is every other hour giving you fab weather updates.

✿ she really hates the cliche that weather women / tv anchors aren't smart??? and are just there to be pretty.

✿ like she has a degree in atmospheric sciences and is going for a masters (online or smth) and yeah qt stuff!!!

✿ she's sort of obsessed with science, tbqh. like she was that nerdy ass kid that collected species from tide pools. and she still hangs out at aquariums and around the beach and gives un-wanted facts about the aquatic life.

✿ she probs got a like telescope for her birthday once too. sobs.

✿ that's all for this tab. xx.

< type="radio" id="apptab-3" name="apptab-group-1">
yooooo. aright so molly could use a little of everything, tbqh.

✿ friends - she's a local. she's only left coral cove once in all of her years and that was to go to college in syracuse (go orange and gamma phi beta bc she was totes a sorority girl. and yanno they're fab. jfc my love for my old alumini is goinG TO BLEED INTO THIS CHARACTER I CAN FEEL IT MAN).

✿ enemies -

✿ lovers -


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