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#1 06-01-2022 19:19:23

Dollz à temps plein
Date d'inscription: 2011
Messages: 184

CORRIGE : The Piece_Bureau room problem

The room in the WINTER tab that is called Jardin_de_Hiver Winter Garden no longer shows up in the drop down menu in MY THINGS.

When you look in your My Things area, you see the above image.  When you are in that room and want to send something to your Inventory, this is what you see:

The blank space at the top of choices in the drop down menu while viewed in a room goes to The Office room. 
If you have saved your doll in the Winter Garden  room and buy something, that item will show up in that room.  But you can't send anything to that room anymore.

I have images of what I am posting about but right now the hosting site (imgur) is experiencing technical difficulties, I will post images as soon as it decided to cooperate.

Jardin_de_Hiver is actually the room that doesn't show up.  The Piece_bureau room shows up as a blank space while sending things to another room in MY STUFF.

Dernière modification par sierradane (07-01-2022 00:27:05)
F r e n c h Server

#2 10-01-2022 12:26:47

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 32587
Site web

Re: CORRIGE : The Piece_Bureau room problem

Hi sierradane

We will check these bugs.

#3 12-01-2022 13:20:39

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007
Messages: 32587
Site web

Re: CORRIGE : The Piece_Bureau room problem


julieanne2 a écrit:

Je viens de remarquer que ce qu'était Valentine 2021 est maintenant Valentine. La salle qui s'appelait Valentine n'est plus répertoriée. Désolé pour la confusion!!!!

This is corrected for these two rooms.

The first room Valentine is now Valentin
The room Valentine 2021 is now Valentine

darkelfqueen a écrit:

julieanne2 a écrit:

Sarah - J'ai vérifié sur le serveur américain et ces salles apparaissent maintenant dans des listes déroulantes. Pourtant, la pièce qui portait le titre de "pièce-bureau" est également manquante. Merci!!

Yeah! It seems like they're showing up now! Double checking with players as well>

"piece-bureau" is missing for sure yeah.

sierradane a écrit:

The blank space at the top of choices in the drop down menu while viewed in a room goes to The Office room.

We have also found the cause of this problem!

The name of the room was the same as the "Office" category in the inventory.

We called the room "Office room" and it works now.

sierradane a écrit:

The room in the WINTER tab that is called Jardin_de_Hiver Winter Garden no longer shows up in the drop down menu in MY THINGS.

Corrected too!

#4 12-01-2022 18:51:38

Dollz à temps partiel
Date d'inscription: 2020
Messages: 80

Re: CORRIGE : The Piece_Bureau room problem

Oui!!!! Ces salles sont désormais toutes disponibles dans les listes déroulantes sur le serveur américain !!!

Merci beaucoup!!!! Vous êtes le meilleur!!!! xoxoxo


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