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amanda-jenssen a 10 points de bonté.


mp fermés

commentaires pour mes amies only !!!!!


hello !

dollz crée par florabampaflorabampa

amanda-jenssen is a swedish singer

she's 23 years old



Jenny Amanda Katarina Jenssen (born Bengtsson, 12 September 1988 in Lund, Sweden) is a Swedish singer and Idol 2007 runner-up. Jenssens first album released in 2008 became one of that year's most sold music albums in Sweden which saw it peak at number 1 on the Swedish album chart. She also had success with her music singles, with seven individual placements on the Swedish single chart for her songs




Early life

Amanda started her career as the lead singer in the band Oh Hollie Neverdays and even in the band called Amanda and the Papas which did covers of classic songs. Oh Hollie Neverdays wrote their own tunes (Amanda and the guitarist, Viktor Rinneby). In May 2007 they won the Swedish competition "Musik Direkt" and the prize was a tour in Gambia






After the success with her debut album Killing My Darlings Amanda Jenssen returned to the studio to record her second studio album Happyland which was slated for a release on 28 October 2009. Her first single from the album was "Happyland" and it debuted at number 3 on the Swedish Singles chart and at number 55 on the German Singles chart



let to florabampa florabampanow some +2


Yes please!!!

thx a lot


see u later babe <3


Age Genre Ville Pays
36 ans Femme berlin
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