
Mot de passe

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Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine
31/03/2015 à 19:57:52

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tivoli a 8 points de bonté.


j'adore ross lynch et maia mitchell  +2 svp

voici une de mes chanson preferer

 "Face To Face"
Ross lynch et Deby ryan

I've been trying to reach you,
You know I've been working at the studio.
We should write a new song.
Maybe they'll play it on the radio!
When can we get together?
Let's not wait another day.
Don't forget your guitar!!
Got it already and I'm on my way.
It's been
So long since I've saw you!
I was wondering if you were even real.
Now I can't believe my eyes, yeah you're not pretend!
I thought you might be my imaginary friend, you're like a star that landed in from outterspace,
my World has got a whole lot brighter,
Now that I can see you face to face!
Imaginary friends can't take your place!
I need to see ya, I need to see ya...
With you and me just talking... Face to face! [2 second hold]
Face to face..
Now I can't believe my eyes, yeah you're not pretend,
I thought you just be my imaginary friend, you know that no one else can ever take your place,
my World has got a whole lot brighter, now that I can see you face to face.
Face to face.
I just wanna see you face to face.
Let's go get some pancakes!
I just wanna see you face to face.
It's a party everyday!
Face to face
You're brighter, Yeah Yeah Yeah!

























Age Genre Ville Pays
25 ans Femme bruxelle Belgique
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Martina stoessel supercreativa (violetta) Divergent hamburger
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Violet ??? Violetta

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