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Jessica Campbell Jones


New York Times.

3 mai 2000

Un accident de la route à causée la mort de la famille Jones. La mère - Maya Jones, est morte sur le coup, tout comme le père Greg et comme le fils Philipp. Leur fille est pour l'instant en soin à l'hôpital, la route est fermer pour l'instant, car la voiture aurait frappé et percer un camion de l'armée contenant des produits radioactifs. Les policiers sont sur le terrain, avec une agence de désintoxication. En attendant, la petite Jessica Walker est à l'hôpital.


3 mai 2001

Voici une suite de l'histoire plutôt suprenante, la route 66 a été réouverte deux mois plus tard l'accident qui c'est produit un an plus tôt. La petite Jessica Walker, a trouvée une famille d'accueil alors qu'elle est âgée seulement de 7 ans, sa nouvelle famille a tenu à lui donner un nouveau nom de famille, alors Jessica Walker est devenue Jessica Campbell-Jones.

" I guess every super hero needs a psychopath villain, well I have mine : Killgrave."

My name is Jessica, and I'm 23. I'm used to be alone, in general. When my family had this car accident, I was the only one to survive. My mom died, my father did too and my little brother also died. I was in a foster family and I met Trish, now she's my best friend and a famous person. She's on the radio and her show is the most heard in New York. One day I met him, Killgrave. He can control mind, and he did control mine. He raped mine, not only physically but also mentally. I killed a girl because of him, because he told me I wanted to and I believed him. He's a fucking sociopath.When I was 14, I started to discover something very odd, like... Super power. And the symptoms was developping every days, and when I was 16 I knew that I had super stenght. Of course It scared me at first, but I learned to live this way. I used to work in the Pasty Show when I was still miner, but now I opened an officie of private investigation called : Alias. And my office is my apartement, I know it's not very professional but I dont really give a fuck about it. Since I run away from Killgrave, I do my best to avoid him. I still have nightmares of this... Journey that I had with him, that's why I get high and that also why I have a drinking problem.



Age Genre Ville Pays
24 ans Femme
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