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Note Doll
Note Loft
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chouboulette a 0 points de bonté.

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Spirit of ice and cold,

Trying to warm herself with the souls of those who shine like human suns.


How can she even think her heart is still alive, in that winter cage?


Her journey to find what would melt her cold prison started in that jungle. In fact, it all started when she met Trï. A tiger as white as the snow, with stone eyes. Dangerous, of course. But somewhat, she felt as if she could trust him.


Far away from her home land. From her people. She was afraid. And every night, she was looking at the stars, wondering if back at home, someone would miss her.


Night after night, Trï was looking at her. He was turning around the house, getting closer everytime the moon would show up. It went on and on, during 1 full month. And one night, he entered the house where she was living now. 


Age Genre Ville Pays
24 ans Femme
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