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damon-ells a 0 points de bonté.

Top modèle

damon ells, nineteen and bruised knuckles


abusers are likely to:

- be unreasonably jealous -

- justify their abusive behavior -

- describe themselves as victims -

- makes everything the victim's fault -

- pathologize their partner -

- use negative labels & humiliates -

- show little or no compassion -

why victims of abuse stay:

- fear, they don't know what their abusers

might do to them or their friends and/or family -

- low self-esteem, if the abuser constantly

puts them down and blames them for the abuse

they might start to believe it is their fault -

- lack of money, indeed, most of the time in an

abusive relationship the abuser makes sure it's

victim is dependent so with no money, they'll feel

like it is impossible for them to leave or run away -

- nowhere to go, even if they could leave, they might

feel like they have nowhere to go or no one to turn to -

- love, this might sound stupid, but the victim might stay

in this relationship because of love, hoping that their abuser

will change. think about it, if a person you love, tells you

they'll change, you want to believe them. they might only

want the abuse to stop, not the relationship -

if you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out.

if you put a frog in warm water and gradually turn

up the heat until the water is boiling, the frog will

remain there until it dies.

and that is an abusive relathionship.


Age Genre Ville Pays
27 ans Femme
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