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kylie009 a 21 points de bonté.



My name is Alison, I'm 15 and I live in California.

I started playing to this game when I was 11 and since I'm addicted.

I love doing shopping in the LA streets with my friends to buy new clothes and accessories and my dream job is to become a journalist!<3

I love "Desperate Housewives" and " Shake it Up!" when my idol and favorite star Bella Thorne is

My favorite movies are : "View from the Top" with Gwylneth Paltrow, because I've always said that if I can't a journalist I would surely be an air hostess for American Airlines, and "Brides Maid" with Anne Hathaway.

I also have a younger brother of 11 years old






Age Genre Ville Pays
26 ans Femme Los Angeles Autre
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Bella Thorne New York View from the Top and Brides Maid Mashed squash
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Pink US reporter Shake It Up! Desperate Housewives Do shopping

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