
Mot de passe

Ton pseudo :Ton email :
Ton mot de passe :Ton année de naissance :

Note Doll
Note Loft
A vie
Cette semaine

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oh-my-soda77 a 0 points de bonté.


I'm dancing with tears in your eyes !






 I have a heart I swear I do
But just not baby when it comes to you
I get so hungry when you say you love me
If you know what's good for you
I think you're*** I think you're cool
You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school
But now that I'm famous, you're up my anus
Now I'm gonna eat you fool !

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch
Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood
Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal
I eat boys up, you better run
I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)
I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)

Whenever you tell me I'm pretty
That's when the hunger really hits me
You're little heart goes pitter patter
I want your liver on a platter
Use your finger to stir my tea
and for dessert I'll suck your teeth
Be too sweet and you'll be a gonner
I'll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer

I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch
Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood
Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal
I eat boys up, you better run
I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)
I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)






I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)
I am Cannibal
I am Cannibal (I'll eat you up)

I love you
I warned you

Ke$ha - Cannibal



Je suis aussi Soda77

Bon jeu à tous et n'oublie pas mon +2 :)


Age Genre Ville Pays
26 ans Femme SLT France
Célébrité préférée Musique préférée Film préféré Plat préféré
Ke$ha - Alex O'Loughlin Blind - Animal - Blow LOL (Laughin Out Loud)
Couleur préférée Le job de mes rêves Emission préférée Loisir préféré
Hawaii 5-0 Clarinette - Melvin - Friends

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