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28/07/2019 à 01:23:14

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sage-greenwoods a 0 points de bonté.

Aventurière du Grand Nord

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je vais vous donner des witchy tips 
daily witchy ideas
... and, these aren't even all of them!
Things to research as a beginner witch #witch #witchcraft #begginerwitch #wicca #wiccan #pagan #paganism
An altar does not have to be huge and extravagant! You can even create a traveling, small altar. It does not have to be complicated or costly. Many people do not have room for a large altar table especially in apartments or dorms, therefore they make it work by using either a dresser top, dresser drawer or even a little box. Your altar is as personal as your spiritual path, there is no right or wrong way. ✨🔮 (Next post coming is on altar tools.)
Here is a list of the most common tools on an altar. It does not include everything, just the main items. You do not need altar tools to practice witchcraft and it doesn't have to be expensive! You can easily create many of your own tools. Read previous post for
When you're a beginner, start small! You need to build up your foundation skills such as grounding and visualization before starting spells…
Imbolc correspondences! 🕯🌱
Beltane correspondences! 🌸🌱🌼
Litha  Midsummer Solsticeâ˜€ï¸ This year Litha is on June 20th.
Lammas correspondences! This year lammas is on August 1st. 🌽
Mabon correspondences ðŸ‚🦊 This year Mabon is on September 22nd!
four elements
✨ Witchy Tips ✨ (@witchytips) on Instagram: â€œâ˜€ï¸ The Element of Fire ☄ï¸â¤ï¸ A quick overlook of the fire element and correspondences. A great…â€
â„ï¸ The Element of Water A quick overlook of the water element and correspondences. A great reference page for a book of shadows / grimoire! Apply this knowledge to any water spells or altar workings.

✨ Witchy Tips ✨ (@witchytips) | Instagram photos and videos
mon notre dollz et sage-willow

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green,blue,pink witch yoga,read,drink tea

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