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#51 25-06-2021 18:55:55

Bourgmestre d'Aarnel [Modératrice]
Date d'inscription: 2008
Messages: 6012

Re: CORRIGE : Cadeaux VIP

Oh, that is probably an oversight, the team should fix this if you confirm that nobody received it.
If needed, would you mind opening a new topic to make it clearer for the team ?


#52 26-06-2021 01:14:31

Coordinatrice US à Plumes
Date d'inscription: 2013
Messages: 448

Re: CORRIGE : Cadeaux VIP

laurelinelarose a écrit:

Oh, that is probably an oversight, the team should fix this if you confirm that nobody received it.
If needed, would you mind opening a new topic to make it clearer for the team ?

Of course! Thank you so much for all the help <3


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