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#1 2024-04-24 20:35:38

Date d'inscription: 2012-10-22
Messages: 29

My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site

:4_confus:  Help

Ticket ID:    NXD-776467 and BAE-4203

Full Name:    jenzg11

My VIP status is missing, last updated VIP date Thursday May 16, 2024,  I had over 2100 days left on it. Please return as soon as possible

please I don't want to miss out on this weeks gifts :g_soukivol:


#2 2024-04-24 22:19:08

Poussin de la Modération
Lieu: ici et là
Date d'inscription: 2014-06-18
Messages: 770

Re: My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site


I see you have already contacted the support, so you should get a reply really soon, surely over the course of the week, don't worry. The team will look into what happened with your VIP subscription, thank you for the ticket informations.

Have a nice day :8_gentil:

modération et animation du forum

#3 2024-04-26 20:43:11

Date d'inscription: 2012-10-22
Messages: 29

Re: My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site

alhyn a écrit:


I see you have already contacted the support, so you should get a reply really soon, surely over the course of the week, don't worry. The team will look into what happened with your VIP subscription, thank you for the ticket informations.

Have a nice day :8_gentil:

Thank you for your reply,  Only part of my VIP has been restored. The status area (become a VIP page), my extra votes per month, and the ability to shop in the VIP store, plus the Saturday discount is still missing.

Will this be looked into more thoroughly? Do I nee to put in another ticket? 

Thank you again, I did receive the gifts.

jenzg11 (U.S. site)


#4 2024-04-27 15:29:11

Poussin de la Modération
Lieu: ici et là
Date d'inscription: 2014-06-18
Messages: 770

Re: My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site

Hello again,

Happy to learn that you received the gifts. About the rest of your VIP advantages, you don't need to fill in another ticket because, like I told you, the team will let you know when they take care of your problem.

Thank you for your patience :8_oui:

modération et animation du forum

#5 2024-05-02 20:18:11

Date d'inscription: 2012-10-22
Messages: 29

Re: My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site

alhyn a écrit:

Hello again,

Happy to learn that you received the gifts. About the rest of your VIP advantages, you don't need to fill in another ticket because, like I told you, the team will let you know when they take care of your problem.

Thank you for your patience :8_oui:


My VIP status has not been completely restored. I'm missing extra amount of diva bucks for 10 days and the extra 30 for the Friday payouts. I have not had the extra votes for these days, I should have about 2100 days before it runs out.
Please help me get this restored.
Jenzg11  U.S. site


#6 2024-05-03 18:32:16

Equipe Feerik Games
Date d'inscription: 2007-07-18
Messages: 32637
Site web

Re: My VIP subscription is missing on the U.S. site


Your request has been processed by our support team and you've had an answer today.

Only the support will be able to help you with your lost subscription, as this kind of problem cannot be solved on the forum.

Thank you for your patience  :7_aecri:

http://blog.feerik.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/lolitea4-2.png :pouic:

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